
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 232
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 3,511
First Seen: May 28, 2023
Last Seen: August 11, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Tipz.io is unlikely to be a website that users decide to visit or open intentionally. Instead, they are far more likely to encounter the page due to unauthorized and forced redirects. More specifically, frequent redirects to the address are likely to be a sign of the presence of an intrusive PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programs) or browser hijacker.

A browser hijacker app is a type of dubious software designed to take control of a web browser without the user's consent. Once installed on a device, it will seek to manipulate several browser settings, such as the default search engine, homepage and new tab page. Afterward, users will be redirected to unwanted websites, such as Tipz.io. Browser hijackers can compromise user privacy, expose them to security risks, and negatively impact the browsing experience as a whole.

Browser Hijackers and Fake Search Engines may Collect Various Data

Browser hijackers take over users' web browser settings, redirecting their search queries to a promoted address. As a result, Tipz.io may be set as the browser's default search engine, homepage, and new tab page. Reverting the affected settings back to their original state may be difficult while the specific browser hijacker is still present on the system.

Fake search engines typically lack the necessary functionality to display results on their own. They may, instead, redirect the user's search query to a legitimate search engine - Yahoo, Bing, Google, etc. Alternatively, they may go to a dubious engine, presenting users with unreliable results filled with sponsored ads and suspicious links.

In addition, browser hijackers and fake search engines may have the capability to collect various forms of user data, including browsing history, search queries, IP addresses, geolocation data, and more. This collected data could be utilized to display targeted advertisements, sell user information to third parties, or potentially engage in cybercrimes, such as identity theft.

PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers Rely Heavily on Questionable Distribution Tactics

PUPs and browser hijackers exploit various questionable distribution tactics to infiltrate users' devices and browsers. These tactics are often deceptive and manipulative, exploiting users' lack of awareness or vigilance to achieve their objectives. Some of the questionable distribution tactics employed by PUPs and browser hijackers include:

  • Software Bundling: PUPs and browser hijackers are frequently bundled with legitimate software downloads, making it challenging for users to notice their inclusion during the installation process.
  • Fake Software Updates: They may masquerade as legitimate software updates or system alerts, tricking users into downloading and installing them unknowingly.
  • Misleading Advertisements: Shady ads and pop-ups may falsely claim that the user's system is infected or outdated, prompting them to click on links or download files that actually install the unwanted programs.
  • Freeware and Shareware Platforms: PUPs and browser hijackers often hide in free or trial versions of popular software on freeware and shareware platforms, leading users to unintentionally install them along with the desired program.
  • Phishing Emails and Spam: They can be distributed through phishing emails and spam messages, encouraging users to click on suspicious links or download unsafe attachments.
  • Social Engineering Techniques: PUPs and browser hijackers may employ social engineering tactics to create a false sense of urgency or necessity, convincing users to install certain software for system security or access to desired content.

These questionable distribution tactics enable PUPs and browser hijackers to infiltrate systems without the user's knowledge. This leads to unwanted changes in browser settings, intrusive advertisements, compromised browsing experiences, and potential privacy and security risks.

Tipz.io Video

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