Threat Database Backdoors Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI


By JubileeX in Backdoors

Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI is identified as a hazardous backdoor Trojan that is created to enable attackers obtain remote access to the attacked PC system. When installed, Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI can disable anti-virus software to avoid its detection and deletion from the compromised machine. Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI can change system settings, collect personal details and transmit them to a remote attacker. You should uninstall Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI as soon as possible from your computer system once you detect it.

File System Details

Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %PROGRAM_FILES%\Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI
2. c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI\ c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI\

Registry Details

Back.Door.Generic13.BNKI may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_Current_User\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\RANDOM CHARACTERS.exe
net64 = "%Windir%\svhoster.exe"


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