Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,387
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 10
First Seen: June 19, 2023
Last Seen: July 15, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Based on their extensive investigation, infosec researchers have concluded that is an untrustworthy website involved in deceptive survey practices. This website employs various tactics to lure users into enabling notifications, and it may also redirect them to other unreliable Web pages. It is crucial to emphasize that users do not intentionally seek out or open websites like

Users should be aware of the existence of websites like and exercise caution when browsing the Internet. Avoid engaging with suspicious surveys, clicking on misleading links, or granting unnecessary permissions to unknown websites. By remaining vigilant, users can protect themselves from falling prey to deceptive practices and avoid compromising their online security.

The Promises of Should not be Trusted employs an enticing message to captivate visitors, promising them the opportunity to achieve millionaire status by the year 2023. However, the true intention behind this Web page is to deceive unsuspecting visitors into participating in a fraudulent survey. It is of utmost importance to recognize that surveys found on websites like often employ deceptive tactics to collect personal information or extort money from users who fall victim to their schemes.

Furthermore, cunningly requests permission to display notifications. Granting this permission would provide the website the ability to send notifications promoting a variety of tactics, including the aforementioned survey scheme, as well as potentially harmful applications and fraudulent websites.

To protect oneself from unwanted and potentially harmful notifications, it is highly advised to refrain from granting permission to display notifications. It is essential to be cautious and avoid visiting gehoochosurvey[.]top altogether due to the risks it presents. Additionally, this website has the potential to redirect visitors to similar or even malicious websites, further exposing them to fraudulent activities and potential harm.

By remaining vigilant, exercising caution, and refraining from engaging with deceptive websites like, users can safeguard themselves against falling victim to tactics, protecting their personal information and financial well-being.

Don’t Allow Rogue Sites Like to Interfere with Your Devices or Browsing

Users can take specific actions to prevent intrusive permissions delivered by rogue websites. Here are steps that can help users regain control over their permissions:

  • Review and Modify Browser Settings: Access the settings or preferences menu of your browser and navigate to the permissions section. Review the current permissions granted to websites and make necessary modifications. Revoke permissions for rogue websites or any sites that are no longer trusted or required.
  •  Block or Remove Unwanted Notifications: In the browser settings, locate the notifications section and review the list of allowed websites. Remove any entries from rogue websites or sources that deliver unwanted notifications. Consider blocking notifications entirely or allowing them only from trusted websites.
  •  Clear Browsing Data: Clearing browsing data, including cookies and cache, can help remove any stored permissions and preferences associated with rogue websites. This can provide a fresh start and prevent unwanted permissions from persisting.
  •  Use Browser Extensions or Add-ons: Install reputable browser extensions or add-ons designed to block or manage website permissions. These tools can help you control and customize the permissions granted to different websites, preventing intrusive requests.
  •  Stay Updated: Keep your browser and security software up to date. Regular updates often include security enhancements and improvements, ensuring better protection against rogue websites and their intrusive permissions.
  •  Exercise Caution: Be cautious while browsing the Internet and avoid clicking on suspicious links or granting unnecessary permissions. Verify the legitimacy and reputation of websites before granting any permissions or interacting with their content.

By following these steps, users can effectively regain control over their permissions and prevent intrusive requests from rogue websites. It is essential to maintain a vigilant approach, regularly review permissions, and make informed decisions while browsing the Internet to ensure a safe and secure online experience.

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