Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,700
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 124
First Seen: March 2, 2023
Last Seen: May 25, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

During the examination of, it was discovered that the website displays adult content, redirects visitors to other shady pages, and prompts users to grant permission for notifications. This website was found during an analysis of websites that utilize rogue advertising networks.

Websites of this nature should not be permitted to display notifications, as they often use this feature to run intrusive advertising campaigns. Such campaigns can promote tactics, untrustworthy or harmful software and malware.

It is crucial for users to exercise caution when visiting the Internet and avoid visiting suspicious or untrustworthy websites. They should be careful not to grant notification permissions to any site that appears suspicious or displays adult content.

Fake Messages Encountered on is a website that should be avoided due to its untrustworthy activities. The website engages in various suspicious activities that could potentially put users' personal information and security at risk.

Upon visiting, visitors are prompted to allow its notifications. However, allowing these notifications could lead to a barrage of unwanted messages and pop-ups. Furthermore, these notifications could direct users to phishing sites and other unsafe pages that promote the installation of harmful software.

Another concerning activity engages in is the request for visitors to indicate their gender and age. Once visitors have provided this information, they are instructed to click the 'Continue' button to complete their profile and start looking for girls. However, clicking this button can lead to other shady sites that may contain harmful content or malware.

Additionally, redirects users to other similar sites, such as These sites show similar content and also prompt users to allow notifications.

Trusting the Messages of Rogue Websites Like can be Disastrous

Users should not trust the messages found on rogue websites because these websites are often created by evil-minded actors who seek to deceive and harm users. Rogue websites are designed to mimic legitimate websites and often use social engineering tactics to trick users into taking action that could compromise their personal information, finances or computers.

The messages found on rogue websites often appear urgent or compelling, using fear, excitement or curiosity to manipulate users into taking action. These messages may prompt users to click on links, download attachments, enter personal information, or make purchases, all of which could result in harmful consequences.

Furthermore, rogue websites often use a variety of techniques to bypass traditional security measures, making it difficult for users to determine whether a website is trustworthy or not. For example, rogue websites may use tactics such as URL spoofing, misleading pop-ups or fake security alerts to create the appearance of legitimacy.

In summary, users should not trust the messages found on rogue websites because these websites are designed to deceive and harm users. Users should exercise caution when interacting with any website and carefully evaluate the legitimacy of any messages they receive before taking any action.


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